The C-Suite Is Increasingly in Front on Climate
Nov. 27, 2023

Michael Torrance Profile Picture
Michael Torrance
Chief Sustainability Officer
Melissa Fifield profile picture
Melissa Fifield
Head, BMO Climate Institute
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Michael Torrance, Chief Sustainability Officer, sat down with Melissa Fifield, Head of the BMO Climate Institute, to discuss the key findings and trends from the 2nd Annual BMO Climate Institute Business Leaders Survey.

In this episode:

  • How and why C-suite leaders are increasingly taking a leading role in driving climate-related matters in their organizations

  • The major challenges business leaders are facing in addressing climate change and how they can navigate these challenges

  • How investors and customers are holding corporate stakeholders accountable for their actions around climate change

  • BMO’s research findings that are likely to be discussed by global policymakers during COP28

Sustainability Leaders podcast is live on all major channels including AppleGoogle and Spotify.