Climate Change & Flood Risk: Implications for Real Estate Markets
Nov. 2, 2021

George Sutherland profile picture
George Sutherland
Senior Advisor, Climate Analytics
flooded road flooded road flooded road
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“We're not going backward on climate change. Climate change has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen, and the severity of events will be increasingly challenging going forward,” says Blair Feltmate, Professor and Head of Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation at University of Waterloo.

Join George Sutherland, Climate Change and Sustainability Advisor at the BMO's Climate Institute and Blair in part one of our Impacts of a Changing Climate series as they discuss how (and why) flooding has accelerated at an increasing rate, and how it’s become not only an environmental issue, but a pressing economic and humanitarian issue as well.

In this episode:

  • How global temperatures have risen 1.1 to 1.2 degrees Celsius in the past century

  • Why the psychosocial or mental-stress costs associated with flooding are so meaningful

  • How human activity changed the chemistry of the atmosphere, and with it, the weather

  • Why there’ll be no new normal when it comes to climate change, only evolving risk

  • The climate change solutions is like a three-legged stool: mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change/extreme weather risk, and focusing on carbon capture

Sustainability Leaders podcast is live on all major channels including AppleGoogle and Spotify.

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