Transforming the Textile Industry: Apparel Impact Institute in Conversation
Oct. 25, 2023

Melissa Fifield profile picture
Melissa Fifield
Head, BMO Climate Institute
Textile designer choosing fabric Textile designer choosing fabric Textile designer choosing fabric
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“We need to move away from a materials matrix that looks like 67% fossil fuel-based materials and start accelerating the use of circular materials, materials with recycled content. And so there's going to be a tremendous amount of investment opportunity in collecting and sorting and upcycling textiles and fabrics, to become next generation materials.”—Lewis Perkins, President of the Apparel Impact Institute

Melissa Fifield, Head of the BMO Climate Institute, sat down with Lewis Perkins to discuss The Apparel Impact Institute's vision of "a transformed apparel, footwear, and textile industry that has a positive impact on people and the planet."

Listen to our ~20-minute episode: